(So quit telling me to stop worrying.)
I don’t think folks have absorbed how fucked things are. In fact, I’ve only absorbed enough to realize we might never know how fucked things are. Multi-angle fuckery going on.
First, trump’s crazy. Don’t know why folks won’t say it, but the dude is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I think people start realizing how fucked we are from there. At least I did.
Have you ever seen the anti-fascist rock movie called “Pink Floyd the Wall?” In it, the main character zones out on TV all day. At some point a crew of folks beat down his door, get him cleaned up, dressed, load him in a car, give him some drugs, and take him to a show where he spews hate on stage to adoring fans. You see, trump is not a “see you at the airport Friday” kind of guy. Look at him! They hold his hand. The only time they let him loose is on his phone or a microphone. That’s because he’s so crazy, whatever he says takes the public’s eyes off his hand-holders. That’s what they want him to do. He’s actually good at something. It’s that.
Once that sinks in and swims around in the old noggin’, you start to wonder, “who are they?”
I’m glad you asked that!
“They” are christo-fascist billionaires. That’s who we elected president. The broligarchy. Don’t believe me? I’m from Texas. Texas is the pilot for modern christo-fascism. Billionaire oil tycoon preachers, (not making that up), figured out how to install Republican sheriffs and judges. They also fund things like Greg Abbott busing migrants to blue states. They have figured out a way to spend money that makes enough folks vote a certain way while at the same time, making that number smaller with attacks on voting districts and attacks on voting rights. Ken Paxton (AG) here in Texas is a pro at that. He knows the billionaire preachers well. He used to have a criminal charge and was literally escaping out of the back of his house as law came in the front! The billionaire preachers helped him clear his name.
Once you’ve arrived to the point where these fuckers realized the Supreme Court was up for sale, their appetite got huge. That’s when they put together Project 2025. This was years ago, by the way. We’re totally fucked now, I’m just catching you up.
Who was going to run for the Christo-Fascist billionaires? An evangelical preacher wasn’t going to make president, yet. The Republican Christo Fascist Billionaires struck gold with Donald Trump. An unlikely pairing, you’d think for a group of religious snobs, but it turns out the snob part is more important than the religious part, after all. Donald Trump represented their interests not their morals. When we’re talking that kind of money, some even think it’s morally wrong to let morals get in the way. Totally true. Been explained to me before. Business is business. I hate those kinds of assholes. But that’s what we have with Trump.
Folks even think Trump is sent from god:
That’s brainwashing. It’s ignoring reality for something believed instead. Not much you can do here with these poor folks. Layers and layers of bullshit are caked on their brains. Don’t know what it takes to bring someone like this back. But it’s beyond me and most people. We’re not qualified at this point. They need a professional.
Folks getting mad at me for being realistic don’t understand they’re brainwashed.
And that is only one way we’re fucked.
(a little more about Texas and the oil tycoon preacher billionaires: ProPublica.)
(a little more Ken Paxton: Texas Tribune.)