(You’re the only ones who don’t know it.)
If you think trump is a good person, or a decent business man, or a successful politician, or even smart, you have been fooled. You’re stupid. I’m sorry, it’s happened to a lot of you. Don’t feel bad, read a book!
The sooner we can get to you admitting you’re stupid and working on that, then we can talk about how to fix things. See, when you’re stupid, you do not know how to fix complex things with lots of people. That requires loads of skills and possibly empathy. Those two things are big “no-no’s” for stupid people. Stupid people lack awareness too. That’s a huge disadvantage in trying to get along with folks. It means, more often than not, someone is accommodating them, or putting up with them. I’ve even tried “playing along” with stupid people before. I can’t catch them up on years lost to stubborn lack of thinking for themselves. They don’t even realize thinking for themselves is the goal of education. Instead, they want to raise their kids to be stupid, just like them. This is one thing that has changed within my peer group within my lifetime. We used to want all kids to be smart. Now we want them to be mirrors.
There are more stupid people than I realized, unfortunately. This hurts bad around election time. It also hurts at IHOP. One time my car was vandalized because of my Obama sticker while I was at work, by coworkers. That’s just fucking stupid. Have to be careful, but if you’re smart, you already know that. They’re everywhere.
I want to mention church and how stupid it is too. Church indoctrinates for a life of stupidity. Not only are we taught to keep profits in heaven, they must want us to keep our brains there too. Church has this policy regarding sin and forgiveness that makes no sense to a smart person but stupid people like I used to be gobble it up and internalize it. Glad I escaped. See, sin doesn’t exist. Neither does forgiveness in a church sense. God doesn’t exist, so.. no to all that shit. Those things were created by men who wanted to control people. They’d have you “believe” you’re bad until they say you’re good, for whatever the reasons. Lots of times, it’s abuse. There could be a price tag. Maybe a position in church you don’t want to do. Guilt is the weapon of god. And, none of it is real. What is real, is abusers getting away with all kinds of things only to be “forgiven” and let loose to do it again. Don’t know if you read the news or not, but that happens almost daily. Always a church, always a dude.
Do not underestimate a stupid person. They have several good qualities that emerge in conversation with them. For one, they are experts at stubbornness. That’s a given because they are so stupid, they refuse to learn from even the recent past, let alone a schoolbook. This would be awesome if they were smarter. I love stubborn smart people. They are a dying breed it seems because it is just so much energy when everyone else is so stupid. Stupid people know inside they’re stupid, I’m guessing. This is why they like to gather in crowds, even in a pandemic. They need to be around other stupid people so they don’t feel inadequate. This could be so easily flipped around if they weren’t so damn mean to smart people. Stupid folks may not know, but smart folks love talking about things they know to anyone who listens. All stupid people would have to do is adopt a learning mindset, then boom, smart people crawl out of the woodwork to help them along. It’s how many friendships are made. It’s basically how academics works. That desire to learn is a serious thing. Stupid people lost it somewhere.
Do not despair! Stupidity can be cured sometimes. But as an adult, I’ve only been able to adopt serious changes when I got real serious about it. Things just don’t “happen” with me. I have to practice, read up, talk to folks, but most of all be willing to be wrong. I think that last part is the hardest for stupid adults. I’ve been wrong lots of times. It’s like practice with anything, you get better at it the more you do it. Stupid people know this part all too well.