Fuck You, Democrats

Kelly Avatar

(and the horse you rode in on).

Months ago I started reading ProPublica’s coverage of politics. They have been reporting on billionaire Christo-Fascist preachers from Texas and how they discovered their tricks for dominating a state worked on a national scale. I have been warning folks for months on social media and gotten, “just vote blue” if I’ve gotten anything at all. I even proposed a better strategy so as not to be all gloom and despair. And, for what it’s worth, I still think it would have worked. But all this isn’t why I’m angry.

I am angry because Democrats have become just like MAGAs in that they’re simply unable to admit they’re wrong. There is absolutely no evidence Kamala Harris ran a good campaign. There’s nothing that suggests she was even the right candidate. This delusional behavior is why I’m no longer calling myself a democrat. It isn’t the party of reason any longer. It’s a bunch of fanatics.

I have been voting every election for almost 30 years. I’ve never voted republican and never will that I can foresee. But I won’t vote for billionaires anymore either. Democrats can chase their endorsements all they want to. But I don’t think anyone who’s insulated from fascism is really fighting fascism. I think that’s something folks “believe.” If we ever get to vote again, if there’s not an anti-billionaire platform, I’m sitting out. Unless there’s a plan to get rid of the oligarchs, it’s just an oligarch’s plan.

I hope you have some kind of knowledge of what we’re in for. Even though I’m angry with you, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. If you haven’t seen The Heritage Foundation’s training videos for politicians and appointees to transition to Project 2025, it is in my “survival kit.” I highly suggest stomaching them. They’re on ProPublica’s Youtube.

For months I have been saying that we were like a house in the old movies. The burglars would cut phone and power before invading. With billionaire owned Supreme Court and Press, that was us. We were in the dark. They’re inside now. It is time to either kiss ass or kick ass. Pick your poison. I’ll put up a fight as long as I can get the medicine I need. I’m not good for much without it. I don’t expect to keep getting it much longer. Fun times.

So, yes, fuck you democrats. Fuck you for your fanaticism. Fuck you for being unable or unwilling like MAGAs to grasp the reality of the situation. Fuck you for letting republicans start on Project 2025 months ago. Fuck you for sucking up to fascists and billionaires. And fuck you if you heard me and told me to “vote blue.” I did that. Tried it your way. It was awful. Like the Pro Wrestling of a political show. The woman couldn’t even call him insane and talk above him like Rachel Scott. Hell, I bet one briefing with Rachel Scott might have saved the election. She drew the damn template. All we had to do was copy it.

Also, fuck you for the way you treat mental illness. Trump is obviously insane. To play off his words and into his fantasy for show or points without calling him insane just winds him up. Twain knew how to deal with this insanity. Flannery O’Connor did too. We have guides for this. You can’t just make up strategy by reading propaganda. But many of you did. Or, you didn’t care. And if that’s the case, fuck you too.

I want no part of fandom in politics. Both sides showed plenty of that. Of course, MAGA won, idiots. Fandom is their game.